PROeffects+ - All you need to know

Are you struggling to find time to have your own lashes done or are you looking for an alternative treatments to offer to clients- if the answer is YES then you MUST check out our PROeffect+ range which are the closest thing to having lash extensions at home. They're the perfect hybrid of our professional lash extensions and our strip lashes. 

PROeffect+ lashes are the closest thing to having lash extensions at home. They're the perfect hybrid of our professional lash extensions and our strip lashes. 

We know a new launch means you may have a few questions. So to help we've put together a PROeffect+ FAQ so you can find out all there is to know!

What are PROeffect+ Lashes? 
Our PROeffect+ lashes are "ready-to-cut" strips lashes, which are applied underneath the natural lash line and attach to lashes. They are made from the same professional fibres and design as our individual lash extensions, making them the closest thing to real lash extensions!

What curl are the PROeffect+ lashes? 

The lashes are a CC Curl so they'll suit all eye shapes! 

What sizes do the PROeffect+ lashes come in? 

Size Breakdown:
Extra Short - 8mm
Short - 10mm
Medium - 12mm
Long - 14mm
Extra Long - 16mm

How long do the PROeffect+ lashes last?
The lashes will last up to 7-10 days when applied with PROeffect+ Lash Bond.

What is PROeffect+ Lash Bond?
PROeffect+ Lash Bond, is our new fast-drying, long-lasting lash glue which has been specifically designed for our PROeffect+ lashes.  You can read all the info on Lash Bond here.

Can I use an Eyeliner Adhesive/Strip Lash Glue to apply PROeffect+ Lashes? 
We recommend using our PROeffect+ Lash Bond for the best results. However, you can use an Eyeliner Adhesive or strip lash glue to apply the lashes. If using strip lash glue, we recommend placing the lashes along the natural lash line (in the same way you would apply strip lashes.)

DIY Lashes +LashBase PROeffect

Where do I apply the PROeffect+ Lashes?
After cutting the lash to fit your eye, using LashBase straight Scissors. If using PROeffect+ LashBond, you can apply the lashes underneath your natural lashes or on top. If using strip lash glue or eyeliner adhesive, then apply to the lid like normal.

Can I layer the PROeffect+ Lashes?
Yes of course! Our first range is based around achieving a natural look, but if you’re someone who likes a full and fluttery look you can get creative and layer them!

How do I remove them?
If you have used the PROeffect+ Lash Bond, we recommend our 
PROeffect+ remover or even baby oil. If you are wearing the lashes like a strip lash then use your usual removal process.

Why you should use PROeffect+ and how to add them into your treatment guide!

PROeffect+ are the perfect alternative to lash extensions therefore they are ideal for numerous reasons and a no brainer as an added extra to your current treatment guide, here are just a few reasons we love them!

  • Great for MUAs and a perfect addition for prom and weddings as they last longer than the regular strip lash. 
  • Ideal for clients who can't have lash extensions due to allergies.
  • A quick 15 minute treatment to offer clients who struggle to sit still or don't have time to allocate to a full lash appointment.
  • Perfect for busy lash artists when you don't have the time to get your own lashes done. 
  • A great treatment and product to retail for clients going on holiday. 

Can I retail the lashes to my clients?
Absolutely! PROeffect+ lashes are great for clients who want to achieve that lash extension look at home. We recommend retailing a "kit" (3x trays, 1x lash bond, 1x applicator) to your clients for around £40-£50.  

We hope this FAQ has been helpful! We would love to see your results using the PROeffect+ lashes, so make sure to tag us on Instagram @LashBase_UK so we can see your photos and hear your feedback!