Q&A with LashBase Jamie

We had a catch up with LashBase Jamie to hear more about his experience within the lash industry!

You're so invested in LashBase, how do you manage your time so that you get a work / life balance?
I don’t believe that “work/life” balance is a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. Life is about priorities and sacrifice. You have to look at what you want from it. For example, you can’t get paid millions AND work 2 days a week. Otherwise we’d all be doing it.

The thing is, LashBase IS my life. Saying that makes me throw up a bit in my mouth but it’s true. I love every aspect of it, I love business, I love my family and I love the industry and (most) of the people in it. So combine it all together and I find that my life is balanced in a way that works for me.

I also am lucky enough to have a circle that either feels the same or understands who I am and I am forever grateful for that.

How do you feel being a man in a female orientated industry?
It really doesn’t make a difference to me. If anything it’s a better, more positive and supportive industry than one that is more male orientated. The lash industry is a special one as it’s a group of people that have a passion for something very specific and the drive to go for it and to me that is very inspiring and motivation.

Does the pressure of your mum being the owner change your attitude to business, how do you switch off from "Family" Jamie to "Work" Jamie?

Yes and no. Mixing family and business isn’t always a straightforward game to play and it’s made tougher with a built in desire to not let my Mum (or any of the family) down from the trust and responsibility that we all share.

The good thing is that we have all been working together long enough now for everyone to be comfortable in their roles and with their specific responsibilities which makes running the company a lot easier.

When it comes to switching between “work” Jamie and “family” Jamie I don’t really have a hard time. I am really good at compartmentalising, which enables me to be a present husband and father without dragging work stresses in.

It definitely also helps having a supportive wife that understands how important work is to me (and our family), so she pretty much takes on the role of “boss” at home which works for me!

What motivates you to succeed?
I am the kind of person that is never “finished”. To me there is no “end goal”, there is only a pursuit to do better.

This naturally keeps me focused and driven as I know tat there is always more to do.

The most important point I’d like to make is that I am definitely NOT always motivated. It sounds cliché but motivation comes after the action, which makes discipline the driving factor in pushing me. My job can sometimes look fun and easy but that’s what gets shown on social media. And we all know, social media is not the reality of running a business. Some weeks are simply me, sat at my PC, dealing with admin or issues that no one will ever know of or see. But those are the weeks that matter (or at least that’s what I tell myself to keep me going).

How do you deal with setbacks and competition within the lash industry?  
Running a business is a rollercoaster. One minute it’s going amazingly well and the next there’s something career and business ending (or so it seems) going on. I’ve been in the business long enough to know that it never is and never will be a smooth ride.

One of my problems (that I am working on) is that I struggle to celebrate the wins. I feel like this is partly because I don’t believe there is a finish line and partly because I really do believe in “delayed gratification”. Because of this, I also don’t overthink or worry about the setbacks as I know it’s part and parcel of running a business.

When it comes to competition, if you have known me for a while now you’ll know that I don’t worry about competition as what someone else is doing isn’t anything to do with me. By having a mindset of only trying to better myself day by day, I can block out any comparison with other brands.

With all that said, understanding your competition and the market in general is a great weapon in keeping yourself relevant in the industry.

All of the above is a massive contradiction, I know. But in short, it’s wise to know what others are doing but it’s vital that you follow your own path and believe in yourself before that.

What is your best advice for someone starting out as a lash artist or business owner?
Patience and Consistency. You need to truly understand that growing a lash business takes time. You can’t compare yourself to someone that’s been doing it for years and wonder why they have more clients or create “better” sets than you. All of that will only get you down and steal your focus.

The main focus for a new lash artist needs to be on creating an experience that is memorable and special. Use friends and family and make sure you always get lots of pictures and videos to build a portfolio. Word of mouth is the most important marketing tool you have. NOT Instagram.

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