How To Practice Self Care

We all know that lash artists are notorious for not taking enough time for self-care. Working long hours and spending time at work making others feel good, can make it easy to forget about self-care and looking after yourself. Sometimes self-care is at the bottom of the priority list but practicing self-care is so important not just for your physical health but your mental health too. In this blog, we have put together a few ideas of how you can practice self-care at home:

Start a Journal

Keeping a journal is a great way to track your goals and remind you of the things you've accomplished professionally and personally. It's a great way to get your thoughts out of your head and onto the page and plan the things you wish to accomplish. By continuing to set yourself new goals, you can stay motivated and maintain wellness. There are lots of different journals, but we would recommend the 'Mindset is Everything' journal from @SheDidCollective as this has a particular focus on goal setting, mindfulness, and self-care. You can find this at

Practice a Healthy Lifestyle

Make sure to practice a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy foods, and maintain a well-balanced diet. Sleep is a major part of self-care so make sure you are getting enough (8 hours a night!), head to bed at a decent time, and switch off your distractions (your phone!) Make sure to move your body and stay active by exercising regularly. Even if it's just for 20 minutes a day, it's guaranteed to make you feel better and boost your mood!

Find a way to relax

It’s not often that we get time to just relax but it's important to take some time to switch off. Find a way to relax that you enjoy such as meditation/yoga, getting a massage, taking a hot bath, or going for a long walk. Doing something every day that you enjoy is a great way to practice self-care and take some time out just for you. It's important to have some 'me time'.

Get Organised

You have probably heard of the saying 'tidy house, tidy mind' and we think this couldn't be more true! Take some time to get organised! Whether that's sorting out a room in your house, tidying your workspace, or going through your cupboards/drawers. Write yourself a list of all the things you want to sort through and start organising! Once your house/workspace is decluttered - your mind will be too.

Digital Detox

Schedule in some time for a digital detox. Whether you plan a 'no phone morning' or a digital-free day, switching off your devices will make you focus on real-life social interactions without any distractions. A digital detox will help to reduce stress and anxiety caused by the over-use of technology, and therefore increase mindfulness. So put your phone away, switch off your laptop, and enjoy the moment.

We hope by doing some (or all) of these activities you'll boost your mood and take some time for yourself. As always if you have any questions then you can get in touch with us on Instagram @LashBase_Uk and we'll be happy to help x