Prepping the lashes for lash extensions

Prepping the Lashes for Lash Extensions 

Written by Beth Pullen (LashBase Influencer) 

When starting the lashing process be sure to do a full consultation with your client and have a quick look at their lashes. Get an idea of the thickness and length and what your client's ideas are for their lashes. It's always handy to have some photos of your past work in different styles to give your client an idea of the set you could achieve. 

To begin prepping the area you want to ensure the bottom lashes, even the little blonde ones are all taped down. There is different ways of doing this my favourite is taping down the lashes first using a micropore tape, and then applying the Premium Eye Pads. 

Cleansing! If your client is a dream they will come to their appointment with lovely clean, make up free lashes. This isn't always the case so I use the Purified Eyelash and Eyelid Cleanser with the cleansing brush and give the area and thorough clean and wash it through.

TOP TIP make sure the lashes are completely dry before moving onto the next stage! If the lashes are wet then the adhesive will not adhere.  

Priming – there's a couple ways to go about priming. If your client has naturally oily lashes then the Primer, Cleaner and Accelerator is the way forward. Just a small amount to wipe over the lashes will remove any oil, dust or any leftover make up particles on the natural lashes. It also speeds up the time of the adhesive setting.

TOP TIP you can also use a Microbrush on the bottom of your lash strip so when you put the lash extension into the glue it dries quicker (make sure it completely dry which can take a couple of minutes) or you can just use it on the lashes it's always good to try both ways and work with what you prefer.  

Or you can use LashNeutral which is a PH balancer – It helps by ensuring the natural lashes aren't too acidic or too alkaline – which may lead to poor retention.  Similar application method like the primer, get a small amount on a Microbrush and swipe from the base to the tip of the lashes. Small amounts are needed and make sure you let the natural lashes dry before continuing.  


What happens if you don't prep the natural lashes before you apply lash extensions? 

Brush Offs – this is so frustrating! You take all the care selecting a lash, isolating and applying only for them to ping off when you brush them through. 

Poor Retention – the lashes fall out sooner than they should and your client needs infills a lot sooner than planned – they can be unhappy spending money and time for lashes that aren't lashing long and may go elsewhere or give up having eyelash extensions altogether.  

Dirty Lashes – just trust me on this one! Lashes need to been clean not only are you spending time in that area, you're just not going to get an amazing finish if there's still dirt lurking around . It's unhygienic and the eyes are a sensitive area already they should be looked after to avoid infection.  


What should you ask clients to do to prepare before their appointment? 

Discourage the use of waterproof mascara days before their appointment. This is due to the compounds in the product being attached to the lashes even after cleansing. These compounds can prevent a bond from the adhesive to the lashes.  

Ask them to clean their face before their appointment. Less time taken cleaning the area = more time lashing.  It's frustrating when you're trying to remove so much makeup when you have back to back appointments.  

Finally sit back and relax! Remember your client is in good hands because you are a lash queen!  

A big thanks to Beth for writing this blog. If you would like to ask Beth any questions feel free to drop her a DM on Instagram @Floruish_eyelash_and_beauty  and she'll be happy to help.