Top Tips on Photography for Lash Artists

Top Tips on Photography for Lash Artists

By Paige Vallance (LashBase Influencer) 

When starting out as a lash artist, the world of social media can be daunting. I quickly learnt that being able to take high quality photos of your work is just as important as the lashes themselves. When a potential client visits your social media pages, you want to make sure your content jumps out at them.

 ‘How do I take the best pictures?’

When scrolling through lash forums on Facebook I often see this question. Don’t worry! You don’t have to be the next David Bailey to get the perfect lash shot. With these simple tips, I guarantee you will notice a difference in the photos you are taking in no time!

Clean Lens

One thing that is super important that may not always come to mind, is ensuring your camera lens is clean and fingerprint free. Most of us use our phones to take our photos, but we don’t realise the amount of fingerprints and debris that can build up over the lens. By simply wiping the camera lens before each use, you will see a difference in the quality of your images. Use something soft like a micro fibre cloth, so you don’t cause scratches.


It goes without saying that lighting is a huge factor in producing top quality photos, especially when the subject of that image is relatively small. I have tried various different lighting setups, but my favourite for sure is the LashBase Pro Ring Light. Make sure the light is at full brightness, and not positioned too far away. Remember to allow a few minutes for your clients eyes to adjust to the light!

iPhone Top Tip - If you find the lighting isn’t quite bright enough, tap the screen and a yellow sun will appear. Drag the icon up or down to increase or decrease the brightness.



Always remember to tap your screen to focus the camera on the lashes, especially with close ups. This will help your camera know where to focus and will prevent any blurry images. When taking videos it is also important to keep tapping the screen to focus on the subject. Using the grid feature is also helpful in positioning the subject in the centre.


Get Snap Happy!

My camera roll is 99% photos of eyes. Always take loads of photos at different angles, such as closed and open eye, from above and underneath. Close ups always prove popular on my page. Remember, you can never take too many photos! (As long as your client isn’t in a rush). There is nothing worse than flicking back through your camera roll once the client has left and realising you didn’t get that gram worthy shot of your amazing work!

These are just a few of my top tips for getting those perfect lash photos. For reference I use my iPhone 11 Pro Max – purchased purely for the incredible camera.

I hope this has been helpful! If you have any more questions I am always happy to help, please message me via Instagram @paigevallancebeauty.