How to clean lash extensions

In todays blog we're talking about lash extension aftercare! This is one of our favourite topics, because clean lashes are happy lashes after all! 

Following the lockdown, it's likely your clients have forgotten how to care for their lash extensions, so its more important than ever to educate them on the correct aftercare and give them realistic expectations. 

Lash Retention

Give your client realistic expectations 

When your client comes back for the first time it's important to advise your client on how long the lash extensions will roughly last, and give them realistic expectations. Retention is impacted by so many factors, client aftercare, the clients lash cycle, hormones/medication etc. The lash extensions should last as long as the natural lash cycle allows, however you'll need to advise your client to book in for infills 2 weeks after their appointment to ensure their extensions remain looking full. 

Lash Shed 

Although not scientifically proven, many lash artists have experienced clients lashes shedding at a faster rate during the spring. It is believed that the changes in season from winter to spring bring an almost primal “hair shed”. If you have noticed that clients lashes are shedding at a faster rate, this may be why. The answer, book infills in a shorter timeframe for 2-3 fills.

Client Aftercare 

Client Aftercare is vital to ensure lash extensions stay clean and healthy! Good client aftercare will ensure:

  1. The lashes stay looking beautiful for longer.
  2. The client will spend less time on the couch having their lashes prepped.
  3. The clients natural lashes will not suffer. 

What aftercare should my lash extension client follow? 

Below we have put together some important advice on client aftercare! Feel free to share this with your clients: 

  • DO NOT use steam rooms, saunas or sunbeds for 48 hours
  • DO NOT perm, tint or use eyelash curlers
  • DO NOT use waterproof or oil based mascara on your extensions as they contain chemical properties that may break down the adhesive
  • DO be gentle around your eyes, don’t rub or pick at your extensions
  • DO use an eyelash comb or mascara wand, these are great for grooming your lashes each morning
  • DO gently wash daily with eyelash cleanser, keeping the root area clean. Brush through lashes daily with a microfibre brush. 

What does my client need to wash their lash extensions? 

Your client will need the following products as part of their aftercare routine: 


Step 1. Gently massage the cleanser into the lashes in small circular motions using the cleansing brush.
Step 2. Pat the lashes dry using a tissue.
Step 3. Softly brush through.

Top Tips 

Remember - its okay if your client gets their lashes wet. A lot of clients are worried that if they get their lashes wet they will fall out, but this isn't the case! Washing lash extensions daily will prolong retention and keep the lashes clean. 

Offer your clients an Aftercare Kit, this way they can take away all the products they need to keep their new lash extensions clean. Retailing an Aftercare Kit will also help you earn some additional income. If you would like to purchase an Official LashBase Aftercare Kit you can click here

We hope this blog post has been helpful As always if you have any questions, drop us a message on Instagram @LashBase_UK and we'll be happy to help.