Important Information About Your Adhesive.

We are almost back to lashing! 

Now is the perfect time to go through your stock, check expiry dates and check you have everything you need ready for reopening. 

Alongside checking you have enough lashes, prep and prime products etc checking your adhesive should be at the top of your list!

If you are unsure on whether your adhesive can be used when you reopen we've put together a few tips and things to test for, to make the process a little easier.

First up, here's a list of our current batch numbers and their relevant expiry dates so you can check your adhesive:  

Pro LBK3P1120 Aug-21
Pro LBK5P1120 Aug-21
Extreme  E126 May-21
Extreme  E127 May-21
Extreme  E128 May-21
Extreme  E129 May-21
Extreme  E130 May-21
Extreme  E131  May-21
Extreme  E135 Aug-21
Extreme  E136 Aug-21
Extreme Plus EP226 Aug-21
Extreme Plus  EP220 Jun-21
Extreme Plus EP217 Aug-21
Extreme Plus EP221 May-21
Crystal Plus CP311 May-21
Crystal Plus CP315 Aug-21
Crystal Plus CP310 Jun-21
Supreme LBK3S1120 Jul-21
Supreme LBK3S1121 Oct-21
Supreme LBK5S1120 Jul-21
Supreme LBK5S1121 Oct-21
Supreme Clear LBK3SC1120 Aug-21
Supreme Clear LBK5SC1120 Aug-21

How to test adhesive:

Below is an image showing where the batch number is located on your adhesive bottle. If the batch number on your lash adhesive is not in the list above, unfortunately, that means it's expired and you need a new one. If the adhesive is “in date” here is a 3 point test:

“Does it stick?” test.

Sounds funny but this is very important. It may be "in date" but if you haven't used it for a while and the storage conditions have fluctuated, it could be bad news so this is the first test you should do. Using any method you can (mannequin head, sponge or a human hair), test that the adhesive can attach a lash to another lash in the way you know it should. Easy. If it passes this test then move on to test no.2.

“Is it Stringy?” test.

This is all about your lash adhesives consistency. Does the adhesive seem to be gummier than you remember? Is the viscosity the same as you remember? How does it dispense? If there are any differences at all, it may be time for a fresh one! So, carefully check all of these points and if it passes this test, move on to test no.3.

“Pigment Separation” test. 

All adhesives colouring can separate after sitting sedentary for a while (this is normal), but after shaking and dispensing, using a mascara wand, can you push the pigment around to separate the colour from the adhesive? If you can, this is a sign that the stabilisers are “off” which also indicates the adhesive is not fit for use. The good news is that if your lash adhesive passes all of these tests, it’s likely that your adhesive is good to go!

If your adhesive doesn’t pass any of these tests, it is safer and advised that you restock with a new one.

So, moving on... You have managed to ascertain whether or not your adhesive is fit for purpose, perfect. That is step one to a successful reopening. Step two is all about education and communication, with communication being the BIG one.

Other adhesive issues to be aware of (and to educate your clients on):

There are several hurdles that us lash artists have to jump over before it’s plain sailing and although the clients aren’t going to care, it’s our duty as lash artists to be aware of, and communicate with, our clients to ensure realistic expectations. Here are a few other adhesive issues to be aware of... 

Lash Shed Season

Although not scientifically proven, many lash artists have experienced clients lashes shedding at a faster rate at this time of year. It is believed that the changes in season from winter to spring bring an almost primal “hair shed”. If you have noticed that clients lashes are shedding at a faster rate, this may be why. The answer, book infills in a shorter timeframe for 2-3 fills.

Allergy Season

If you suffer with hay fever then you’ll already know that we are entering the time of year when the pollen count increases and eyes can become more sensitive to different allergens. This is important to know as it may result in increased client sensitivity and therefore your clients may experience more reaction like symptoms than normal. You can manage this by taking extra care with application, eye pad placement, minimise the client talking, regular checks that the clients eye are fully closed and you can also add in extra products that help neutralise the rogue vapours such as FlexiBonder. 

Lashing Speed

Now hear us out, even if it’s just a split second it makes a huge difference in terms of adhesive curing. Get your practice in now. Adjust your technique, brush through your sets as you go to check for brush-offs. If lashes are “pinging” off, this is a sign that the adhesive is setting too fast.

Poor Client Aftercare

It's been a while since clients have had lash extensions and the chances are they would have have forgotten exactly what they are supposed to do to make them last. This is your chance to educate them on what to do and even pick up a retail sale! We have a handy blog that will help you earn more through retail here.

Top Tip:

Although we do not recommend stockpiling lash adhesive. We do recommend always having at least one back up. This means that if you are mid set and realise that something isn't right, yo can switch to your back up. Equally, if you noticed that your rooms temperature and/or humidity is high/low, it's wise to hold an alternative speed adhesive in reserve too.

You are just about ready to get back to lashing but there’s one last piece of information that we want to leave you with...

Patch Testing:

With the return to work, we know that some of you may be confused about patch testing for lash extensions. If you would like to catch-up on our patch test guidelines, click here.

We have 3 important points to make specific to patch testing in today’s climate.

  1. Get your insurers to put their stance on patch testing in writing. A phone call isn’t enough.
  2. COMMUNICATION is key. You MUST explain the risks involved and offer all clients a patch test. Clear communication with your client will negate and reduce the severity of the issue should a reaction or sensitivity occur.
  3. If you are in ANY doubt, no matter how big or small, patch test.

We hope that you have enjoyed getting back up to speed with all things lash adhesive.


As always if you have any questions or need any help, feel free to get in touch on Instagram @LashBase_UK or by email and a member of our team will be happy to help you.